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Dereks Projects

A member registered Aug 15, 2019

Recent community posts

Hi - that would be great and also very appreciated.  Great product by the way!


Is the Export Flexigrid opening at the last saved folder on the cards for a future release of CharPad Pro?

Thanks in advance.

Hi.  CharPad Pro 3.01.  Is it possible and if not are there any future plans to not have to select the Export location for Flex Gridded Sub Maps from scratch everytime (i.e. leave you in the last location the Flex Grid was exported to)?

(4 edits)

Hi.  CharPad Pro 3.01.  There seems to be issues with Copy/Paste, either in the same or between instances in Charpad Pro.  If I copy/paste four chars from instance one to instance two, only three characters get pasted.  Likewise with copy/paste in the same instance.  Also, if I select all characters in say a 128 char set, not all 128 will be copied and pasted.  Plus if I select the very last single char of a char set from instance one and paste into instance two, nothing gets copied / pasted at all.